Customer Reviews
SOL gives every child in Scotland the opportunity to do the very best they can in their learning. Our lessons challenge able learners to go beyond the current curriculum by accessing additional education resources. At the same time, pupils who need additional support, are able to engage with their learning at their own pace
An example of this is Kailey Cupples, who lives with autism. Click the video below to hear Kailey explaining how SOL has65 helped her.
On our Facebook page, we have received some great reviews from customers. Click the link to see our reviews: https://www.facebook.com/scottishonlinelessons/reviews/?ref=page_internal
Our Charities
Regardless of the circumstances a child lives in, SOL supports their right to education. SOL works with Scottish Children's charities including The Volunteer Tutors Organisation and Enhanced Learning Tutoring Initiative. Both charities provide 1:1 tutoring to disadvantaged young people. SOL were able to give. This was initially possible due to the generous donation from Lord Willie Haughey. Our partner charities have provided us with the following testimonials:
Action for Children have really appreciated the opportunity to benefit from the free access to these resources which has been offered to us. We have made use of those in a range of service settings and it has benefitted children young people and families who have engaged. 'The young people who I support did access the Scottish Online Lessons portal and families did feedback positively, for example they said it was easy to use and it made it easier for the parent to complete home schooling.' Where we did use the tool the feedback from staff regarding ease of use and the content was really positive. Staff are also aware of this resource as we move forward. At the moment any future purchasing of licences will be on a case by case basis and all of the services who have promoted and used the licences are aware of the resource to support young people and we will certainly keep this on the agenda.
With its wide range of engaging and easy to follow material specifically linked to the Scottish curriculum, SOL has provided our tutors with an invaluable resource in supporting their tutoring sessions, whether it's with a primary pupil needing support with a particular numeracy topic or a secondary pupil working towards their National 5 in English. Tutors have found these resources useful and use the materials in a number of ways: to build their confidence and reinforce their understanding of a concept; to motivate their young person during the tutoring sessions; or engage their pupils through independent learning by setting tasks to work through before the next session. In short, the resource ensures that tutors are able to fully support their pupil to the best of their ability. The resource not only provides reassurance for our tutors, but also presents a great deal of material that pupils are able to watch independently to support their learning and increase their confidence in a particular subject or concept.
Scottish Online Lessons has been a huge benefit to the pupils we tutored in 2021/22. We have been able to share this fantastic resource with pupils who were struggling academically and others who were not attending school. As national exam results have been released, it has been great to receive emails from pupils delighted to have achieved qualifications they didn't think possible when we first met them. SOL has given us confidence in our service provision to schools, knowing that our tutors have access to a resource which helps them to deliver high quality, curriculum-relevant sessions. Our tutors have used the resource to help them prepare sessions and have also directly shared the resource during sessions and worked through videos together with pupils. The resource itself has been put together brilliantly and is very accessible for both tutors and pupils.
Primary Lessons Sign up
£50 Per Year
or £5 per month
- Full literacy and numeracy lessons from P1-P7
- License can be used on 2 devices
- Android mobile app
- Apple iOS mobile app
You must Sign Up on to the website before you can log into the app
Secondary Lessons Sign up
£50 Per Year
or £5 per month
- All 9 subjects From S1 to Higher
- License can be used on 2 devices
- Android mobile app
- Apple iOS mobile app
You can't sign up on the App. Once you've signed up on the website, you can log into the app.